ICYMI: Discord Has Removed The Swipe-To-Reply Feature


Recently Discord has been rolling out a lot of features, some good some outright terrible.

One of the features that was recently removed is the swipe-to-reply feature that allows one to easily reply to a message without having to tap and hold on to the message.

To a lot of users it feels off, a few others never really noticed the feature was there.

This swipe-to-reply feature has been rumored to have been removed 3 days ago from the date of this post.

One would think that removing this feature is the least priority for Discord, but here we are.

Here is everything, including the surprising reactions of some Discord users at the end of the swipe-to-reply feature era.

Did discord remove the Swipe to reply Feature?

Yes, but the reason for this change is still unknown and since it is a very new development as of the time of writing this post.

We have a nudge that the swipe-to-reply feature might make a return on Discord.

It may just be similar to the WhatsApp bug that happened recently, where you could no longer see “Ringing… or Calling…” when you are calling someone on the app; it was fixed almost immediately though.

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However, if this change has come home to stay, we don’t think the feature will be missed as a lot of users have gotten used to tapping and holding on to a message to reply.

What on Discord Think about Removing the Swipe-To-Reply Feature?

While a lot of users did not care if the swipe-to-reply feature stayed or not, only a few did not welcome this change.

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They all reacted in many terms, some took to subreddits to vent, and here are some of their reactions:

Despite having that “feature” I never used it once. I’ve continued to use the usual hold message and reply. – Mxdanger

Sad. I love this feature. Made replying much smoother and faster. – Natehog2

Thank God, I hated that feature. – Kermit_is_a_nastyboi


And that is all we have on Discord removing the swipe-to-reply feature.

As we have mentioned, this feature getting scrapped just be a bug but from the positive reactions of users, it may not be making a comeback anything soon.

This will only be possible if Discord developers listen, hopefully.

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