You want to know what happens when you decline a message on Pinterest; when you select “Decline” instead of “Accept” or “Preview” to new messages on Pinterest.
Well, you are in luck because we will provide you with this answer to this question; not just because we have run a lot of successful Pinterest accounts before now but also because we always strive to provide our readers with the best troubleshooting tips out there.
If you have an active Pinterest account that gets a good number of direct messages, you may have noticed that whenever you get a message from someone you are not following that is also messaging you for the first time, Pinterest will give you the option to accept the message or decline it.
“Accept” in this case means that you want to have a conversation with the messenger and “Decline” means you do not want to exchange texts with the messenger; but what happens when you click on “Decline” or “Remove” on a message on Pinterest, where does it go, does the messenger gets notified?
It would even be convenient for you to note that you can also preview the content of the message before you make your decision.
Moving on, let’s take a look below at all the things that happen when you decline a message on Pinterest.
What Happens When You Decline A Message On Pinterest?
If you decline a message request on Pinterest, both the message and the request disappears or are removed from your messages tab and you will never see it again.
Once you have declined a message on Pinterest the messenger or sender will not be notified in any way, however, the sender can still resend that message if they assume you didn’t get the first one; the only way to fix this is to block them.
It is important to note that you only get message requests on Pinterest from people you do not follow; anyone you are already following or have at a certain time in the past accepted their message request on Pinterest can message you with no restrictions.
Additionally, you can easily turn off getting messages completely in “Social Permissions” under “Settings” if you are using Pinterest Business.
Read: How To Fix “Sorry This Site Doesn’t Allow You To Save Pins” On Pinterest
So these are all the things that happen when you decline a message on Pinterest; you have learned that the message will e removed from your message tab and that the sender will not be notified that you have declined their message.
You have also learned how you can stop getting messages on Pinterest, and how you can disable it under settings.
Declining a message is not a new thing, it happens every day; if you do not feel comfortable conversing with a strange user use that option.
And with the preview message feature on Pinterest, you get to look at the content of the message before deciding if you want to accept or decline it.
If this guide was helpful, make sure to check out our other blog posts in this category for more troubleshooting guides you didn’t even know you would need.
Brianna is based in Minnesota in the US at the moment, and has been writing since 2017. She is currently a 3rd Year med student at the time of writing this.