Chat Bubble Pops Up But No New Messages On Pinterest? Explained

Chat Bubble Pops Up But No New Messages On Pinterest Explained

Are you wondering why you are seeing chat bubbles pop up on Pinterest but no new messages?

If yes, then you have come to the right place for answers.

If you don’t already know, it is possible to send direct messages to other users on Pinterest.

Sending messages on Pinterest is quite straightforward, just like every other social media app.

A lot of things denote many things when it comes to Pinterest; for example, the home icon represents the explore tab*, the plus sign is for adding new pins, and so on.

Within the message tab on Pinterest, there are chat bubbles that usually pop up if you have a new message, or have a red dot appear on it when you have a new notification.

However, what happens when the chat bubble pops up on Pinterest and you find that you have no messages? That is what we will be looking at today in this guide.

What Does It Mean When Chat Bubble Pops Up With No New Message On Pinterest?

There are a couple of reasons why you would see chat bubbles pop up on Pinterest and still no new messages, they include:

1. The person you are texting with on Pinterest is typing a message.

2. You have other notifications from Pinterest that are not messages.

3. It might be a glitch.

These are the three main reasons why you may be seeing a chat bubble pop up on Pinterest but no new messages, let’s go ahead to discuss them one after the other.

1. The person you are texting with on Pinterest is typing a message

This first reason is a bit common with most social apps, when a chat bubble pops up while you are reading or writing a text to someone it means that the person is typing a message to you.

The same goes for Pinterest direct messages too, once you see a chat bubble pop up in an open chat window, the person on the other end is typing a message to send to you.

2. You have other notifications from Pinterest that are no messages

If you are conversant with Pinterest, especially the app, you would know that the messages tab is also the notification tab.

This means that whenever you see the red dot or a chat bubble pop up, either you have received a new message or a new notification about your personal or trending pins.

3. It might be a glitch

If the above three reasons do not apply to you then it might be a glitch in the Pinterest app, the best thing to do is to clear cache data and update the app.

Glitches like this are usually not that serious; clearing cache data and updating the Pinterest app should fix it.

You can learn how to update your Pinterest app, using the method in this guide.

As for clearing cache data on the Pinterest app, you can simply restart your device, and make sure it is plugged into a power outlet before restarting.


Whenever you see a chat bubble pop up on Pinterest, you would expect new messages or notifications.

If you don’t see any, there could be lots of reasons for that, we have done our best to explain everything in this guide.

If any of the reasons did not apply to you then it might be a glitch from the Pinterest app, you can as well use the solution in reason #3 to fix it.

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