Are you trying to unlock all followers in Mad Island?
Mad Island is an open-world survival game where players craft, explore, build, farm, fish, capture creatures, and battle to escape an island.
After a cruise shipwreck, you wake up on an island with another protagonist, switching between them as you search for friends.
This guide will show you how to unlock or get all followers in Mad Island, including Reika, Keigo, Shino, Cassie, and more.
How to Get All Followers in Mad Island
To unlock followers in Mad Island, you need to complete specific quests and make key decisions throughout the game.
Each follower requires different conditions, such as fighting bosses, collecting items, or making choices that affect their fate.
Follow the steps below to get each follower.
Reika & Keigo

- From the starting beach, go east, cross the bridge, and walk until you see a tent.
- Defeat the Old Man to get the Man Bench Recipe.
- Continue north to trigger the Reika & Keigo encounter.
- Choose to observe or scream (doesn’t affect the outcome, but changes the scene).
- Enter the swamp and hug the right side to reach the next event.
- Defeat Takumi in a fight; he runs north.
- Choose to side with Keigo (breaks off their relationship) or side with Reika (they reconcile).
- If their relationship is broken, the Male MC can romance Reika by raising affinity (dancing, love potion).
- If romancing Reika, confront Keigo, fight him, and win.
- Depending on your dialogue choices, you can end up with Reika or just get Keigo’s locket (+2x player damage).
- After defeating him, go north to his harem.
- Fight him again and choose an action:
- Obey = Yona death screen (respawn).
- Kill = Ends Takumi’s quest.
- Tie up = Feed him x10 of any food (berries, grilled meat, etc.).
- If he survives, you receive the Transceiver.

- Prerequisite: Steak Set (Meal) | 1x raw beef, 1x onion, 1x potato, 1x berry.
- Find Shino’s camp in the northeast section of the map.
- Follow the map markers to trigger events.
- Return to her camp at night to decide her fate:
- Leave = Exit dialogue.
- Insult = Makes her angry (allows attacking or ignoring her).
- Present steak = Apologizing makes her a friend; demanding an apology leads back to insults.

- Start the Lab Questline by encountering Dr. Ed.
- Fight 3 enemies (2 natives, 1 big native) at the entrance.
- Enter the lab and defeat Cassie’s body.
- Reach the top-right green door and meet Cassie.
- Connect her brain and find her body north of her capsule.
- After reassembling her body, she joins as a follower.
- Continue the Lab Quest to fight Dalman (unlocks a machine).
Giant (Giantess)

- Prerequisite: Collect three gems from bosses to unlock the Chaos Wastes Gate.
- Enter the Chaos Wastes (high-level mobs—avoid fights if possible).
- Defeat the Giantess boss.
- Choose:
- Leave = She becomes friendly but not romanceable.
- Kill = Eliminates her.
- Wait ~20 seconds during the cutscene to romance her.
Sally (and Takumi?)

- Prerequisite: Unlock Chaos Wastes Gate + decide Takumi’s fate.
- Trigger an event in Chaos Wastes to unlock the Bandage Cave.
- Enter the cave and head north to the center.
- Go right to find a prison door leading to Sally’s room.
- Defeat Sally in a fight.
- Choose:
- Leave = Befriends her.
- Punish = Leads to two more choices (kill or tie her in the cave).

- Prerequisite: Craft a boat, fishing rod, 1 worm, and shell bra.
- Travel southeast of the river canal to find her.
- Dive for a rainbow coral and craft the rainbow-shell bra.
- Meet the mermaid and fish for her bra on an island.
- Play a fishing minigame to obtain it.
- Gift her the rainbow-shell bra to befriend her (if not, she disappears).
That’s how you can unlock all followers in Mad Island.
By following the steps above, you can recruit Reika, Keigo, Takumi, Shino, Cassie, the Giantess, Sally, and the Mermaid as allies.
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images credit: followchain.org
Brianna is based in Minnesota in the US at the moment, and has been writing since 2017. She is currently a 3rd Year med student at the time of writing this.